Mimaki LUS120 Clear 1 Litre


Mimaki Clear 1 Litre

Mimaki LUS120 Ink Clear 1 Litre

We supply the full range of LUS120 inks to meet the needs of any printing professional, ensuring perfect compatibility and warranty cover for your Mimaki printer. At YPS we supply the full range of original Mimaki inks, so whatever your device we’ll have your consumables.

LUS-120: Newly developed, high-performance UV curing ink:

Finally, the Mimaki LUS120 Clear 1 Litre is part of, the newly developed, high-performance LUS120 UV curing ink possesses superior durability and flexibility. These two
opposite properties provide beautiful and durable printing on flexible banner materials that cannot be laminated.

Printer compatibility:

Mimaki UJF-3042 mkII, Mimaki UJF-6042 mkII, Mimaki UJF-7151 Plus, Mimaki JFX200, Mimaki JFX500



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