Mimaki White 1 Litre
Mimaki LUS170 White Ink 1 Litre
We supply the full range of LUS170 inks to meet the needs of any printing professional, ensuring perfect compatibility and warranty cover for your Mimaki printer. At YPS we supply the full range of original Mimaki inks, so whatever your device we’ll have your consumables.
Mimaki LUS170 Ink:
The UV-curable ink is cured and adhered to the media or substrate by UV radiation. The print is already dried when it comes out of the printer, allowing a short delivery request to be met. Printing on non-absorbent materials, including plastic, glass, and metal, is available. To give shape to ideas, Mimaki offers a range of UV-curable ink products to meet demands from various industries, ranging from decorating and architecture to industrial design.
Printer compatibility:
Mimaki UCJV150, Mimaki UCJV300
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